Commission for anonymous thank you for the support
Who knew watering up guache could make sum watercolor effect *wiggle* might dig up on the garage for some more paint in the future

9 38

no bullshit, on my first watch of lisa the painful i thought birdie and brad were siblings, now that ive gone back to hell i did a spriteswap of the two and im WHEEZING

1 2

a mutant and his worms, a tale as old as time itself
(worm from lisa the hopeful)

6 31

I really like when a game or movie makes me cry.

I almost never cry, i´m bad to express negative feelings and some times I put a lot of weight over my shoulders without realising how tired I feel.

Crying help me to rest when I have that weight over me.

3 22

🖋Inktober 11th: Disgusting🔵

How far are you willing to go in order to redeem yourself?

3 13

а свою любовь я собственноручно
освободил от дальнейших неизбежных огорчений
подманил ее пряником
подманил ее пряником
изнасиловал пьяным жестоким ботинком
и повесил на облачке,словно ребёнок
свою нелюбимую куклу

9 48