Azami has joined the party 🌀🖤

Follow me on Instagram for a new project launch coming soon!
(@/ thequeensupreme)

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Happy birthday Freyr Wilder! 🥳🎂
He quickly became my 2nd fave when I was playing his route, a total cutie that deserve more love~ 🥺♥️

Plz check out the game so I can rave with someone 😭♥️

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Happy birthday Gon aka Lee Dogeon~ 🥳🎂♥️
Technically it's still July 20th in another part of the world.

Queens Number is a game by

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In my novel, my Dani is the wearer of the Amulet of Ellyllon. She can use all 7 magicks is shown in this picture; Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Night, and Day. She is wearing a future outfit!

Check out my novel here-

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It's the so we're sharing a pic from one of our fave by . Say hello to and check out his drawing videos and activities here

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I couldn't help it~ I had to draw my amazing Fairy Queen Maive. Also she is deeply in love with her Witch Queen girlfriend, Dani- She is the main protag in one of my WIP novels.

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King Aubudon is finished! Thank you all for the support on his lineart post I did! I've got some other drawings from the companion novel, "The Daughters of Aradia". Stay tuned for those!

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I’m the girl reading Tomie 😁 I draw too so if you like anime fan art gimme a follow here and on Instagram @/ thequeensupreme 🥰🥰🖤

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If Christine and the Queens look at me like this I wouldn't respond for myself 😳

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I’d love to be considered. Here are examples of some of my stickers. More of my art can be found on Instagram @/ thequeensupreme 🙂

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Christine and the Queens is also an Ann(e)s daughter: gothic big sleeves

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We finally released it!
You can meet 'The Queens Number' eng! (v1.3)
AOS / iOS launch.
Thank you for your patience.😌

iOS -

Aos -

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The first news in 2020 is about the English version of 'The Queen's Number'. See you at the end of January. 😍

See you Soon!🤩

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뒤집으면 그게 스페이드A인지 뭔지 어찌아냐..Side. 차라리 모르는 편이 "#루시드림

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Side. 듀크너스가 사람 보는 재주가 있으니까. "#루시드림

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[퀸즈넘버] 숙제 미리 해버리는 성실한 친구 루시드림.
주중 업뎃 예고했으나 월요일에 바로 완료 해버렸습니다! 😊

AOS, iOS 모두 v1.2 업데이트 완료!
더 많은 혜택을 준비했으니 받아주세요! ❤

(업뎃내용은 참고)

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퀸즈넘버 대대적인 업데이트가 다음주에 펼쳐집니다! 👑더 많은 보상과 혜택, 에피소드 추가!

아래 링크에서 상세한 내용을 확인하세요! 얻을 것 투성이인 업데이트를 준비하는 중입니다!😎


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뭔데... 자네 가섬팔 뭔데? 가쉄 뭐야#-??? End. 우리는 비로소 "#루시드림

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