画質 高画質

🎨 Nunca subestime um teddy bear 🐻 Arte incrível feita por Marco Tamura, nosso aluno do curso de FUNDAMENTOS DA ARTE DIGITAL! Veja mais em: 🔗 https://t.co/bVahJTMFP3

▪Já CORRE porque VAGAS LIMITADAS para a próxima turma de Fundamentos em: 🔗 https://t.co/YtreXnZ4Nb

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Fundas para Nintendo Switch Lite de Pokémon Espada y Escudo, y una Poké Ball.

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Nuevas fundas de Nintendo Switch Lite con motivo de Pokémon Espada y Escudo

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Un mini cómic edgy que hice el año pasado. Re random quedó, quería irme en la profunda con los diálogos, pero soy un asco haciéndolos. Que opinan ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ? 1/3

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Por si acaso alguien está interesado, he subido el dibujo a RedBubble para comprar fundas de móvil, cuadernos, posavasos y más 👇

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Comment 😺 if you like to play with your cat this much!

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La PROPIEDAD PERSONAL es aquella utilizada diariamente para satisfacer necesidades, vivir y relajarse. Es un derecho fundamental amparado bajo el socialismo.
Los comunistas somos defensores de la abolición de la PROPIEDAD PRIVADA sobre los grandes medios de producción.
Veamos ⬇

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Partners in time - the animated series, coming to a network near you 😮🥳😘

(c) https://t.co/OppJxQrx22

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Just putting this out here 😌
Alice (aka Waifunda), the level 4 sorcerer who likes cabbages and smut

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🎨 Estudos bem maneiros feitos pelo aluno Léo Lima para o curso FUNDAMENTOS DA ARTE DIGITAL 🔥

▪Fique de olho nos trampos do Léo em: 🔗 https://t.co/RDtA0iwuSv

▪SAIBA MAIS sobre o curso de Fundamentos em: 🔗 https://t.co/YtreXnZ4Nb

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I spent years looking for "my own voice" and focusing on the fundamentals while trying different rendering styles; so I'm guessing that counts as my trip.

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Styles is something that I've always struggled with and will continue, because it always changes as you live, experience, and learn things. Mostly also because of my lack of fundamentals :/

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[NSFW, gore]

the rot had burst and the wound had become incurable, everbleeding.
doom had become reality; incoherent and fundamentally damning.

yet now, i have found
that for which i had died then.
it was not, in fact, lost.

now we are reunited;
and i am forgiven for my pain.

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https://t.co/xf8hZsXDIM Last stream of weekend, sunday funday- deltascape

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