Pink and White Plum Blossoms in Moonlight
Ink and colours on silk
Sō Shizan (Japanese, 1733 – 1805) | via 🌟

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Pink and White Plum Blossoms in Moonlight
Ink and colors on silk
Sō Shizan (Japanese 1733 – 1805)

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J. WHATMA, 1805

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We're loving this stunning Celtic illustration found in the ‘Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of Scotland appointed to inquire into the nature and authenticity of the poems of Ossian’, 1805 (NLS shelfmark: Oss. 226)

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'The Great Red Dragon Paintings' are a series of watercolour paintings by the English poet and painter William Blake, painted between 1805 and 1810. These paintings depict 'The Great Red Dragon' in various scenes from the Book of Revelation.

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Did you know, Walter Spencer-Stanhope & over 600 heroic locals mobilised to fight off a French invasion of Yorkshire back in 1805? (True, promise!We’ll share more about it soon.)

Remember, Redcoats will be back here in a month or so for ‘CANNON! at Cannon Hall’. Can’t wait!

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Napoleon Crossing the Alps (also known as Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass or Bonaparte Crossing the Alps) is the title given to the 5 versions of an oil on canvas equestrian portrait of painted by the French artist Jacques-Louis David between 1801 and 1805.

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船の絵のまとめ 加筆修正
HMS AUDACIOUS オーディシャス  1798年ナイルの海戦
VASA スウェーデン戦列艦ヴァーサ  1628年バルト海
TATSUTA 大日本帝国海軍巡洋艦龍田 1941年開戦時あたり
HMS CAESAR シーザー      1805年オルテガル岬の海戦

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"Good and Evil Angels Struggling For Possession of a Child," William Blake, 1805.

It's third down now, so if they don't get some yardage here they'll have to punt the baby next.

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Hans Christian Andersen, author, poet and spinner of was born 1805 <

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2 апреля 1805 г. родился прозаик и поэт, автор всемирно известных сказок Ганс Христиан Андерсен.

Иллюстрации художника Эдмунда Дюлака к сказке "Снежная королева"❄👸

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"an animal of a truly singular and nouvel description was killed by dogs the 30 march on a hill immediately contiguous to the settlement at Yorkton Port Dalrymple"
The Sydney Gazette on the 1st Thylacine killed by Europeans in 1805, 131 years later species was extinct

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誕生(1805・太陽暦換算、学者)、#模型機関車 初運転(1854・太陽暦換算、#ペリー来航)、#パリ砲撃(1918、第1次世界大戦、#パリ砲)、#桜花 実戦投入(1945、特攻兵器)、#高松塚古墳 極彩色壁画発見(1972)

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Franz Xaver Winterhalter (20 April 1805 – 8 July 1873) was a German painter and lithographer, known for his portraits of royalty in the mid-19th century.

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Joseph Willibrord Mähler's portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven, painted in approximately 1804 or 1805, is the first of four portraits the painter made of the German composer and pianist. Today it hangs in the Pasqualati House of the Vienna Museum.

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Anna Maria Hussey (1805-1853) created featuring View more of her work from publications digitized and contributed to : --

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Some artworks by the famous German painter and lithographer Franz Xaver Winterhalter (20th April 1805 - 8th July 1873) ..

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