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明日2/23(金)より、新商品 SCRATCH ver.Nelson Sauvin が一般発売開始となります!🎉


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Full Nelson Karin??
Sensei, go grab it fast! Its Breeding time!!

7 58

さんのイラストを担当致しました!切なくてめちゃくちゃかっこ良い楽曲なので是非ともお聴き下さい…!🐿🎶 https://t.co/9QxyNc2Gd1

21 82


チコちゃんで見て驚いた( ˘ω˘ )


86 319


13 108

my pigeon birb Horatio Nelson

6 31

Franklin Nelson you could get it any day baby

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If you see this tweet, post four of your favorite villains from any form of media

- Megatron (Beast Wars)
- Nelson (Mothra)
- Mok (Rock & Rule)
- King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country) https://t.co/Ozgq5bvKMP

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Pozzik, Audio Engineer
Audio Bot

My Illustrations for Hearthstone : Festival of Legends Set.

Art director : Jim Nelson

©2023 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc

16 129

here's Gobdy, a member of the Odd Gobs. he's kind of stupid and very hungry! the food from Ye Olde Denny's was pretty good, thanks Nelson :D https://t.co/fXs3arnVKw

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A much requested feature ✨There’s a 1:70 chance enemies in TAGLINE will spawn as legendary outlaw country singer: WILLIE NELSON!

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‘Marty, Dr Lesh, Steve Freeling & Ryan’ … as played by Martin Casella, Beatrice Straight. Craig T. Nelson & Richard Lawson in Tobe Hooper’s ‘Poltergeist’ …

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🟡 He aprendido que el valor no es la ausencia de miedo.
Sino el triunfo sobre él.

El hombre valiente no es el que no siente miedo, sino el que lo domina

Nelson Mandela

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This I wanna give a shout-out to Winona Nelson, a two-spirit Ojibwe artist who painted some of my favorite art in MTG!!

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spegicifally this nick nelson RK800

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“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” – Nelson Mandela

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