May I offer you a vampire seducing a werewolf in this trying time

1 1

soo... totally drunken, clingy Bakugou needs to get carried... 🤣

I leave it to your imagination, what he's whispering in Todoroki's ear

Anyway... who was it!? Who put alcohol in his drinks!!?? 😱

29 103

Who’s ready for more bktd murder boyfriends?

1 36

Day 30 of - Free day!
"Bakugou! Not THAT finger again!🤨" 🤪

Thank you for organising this wonderful Month ❣

Colored v. maybe if i get the mood to finish it🤔

19 88

Day 20 of - Birthday

Happy Birthday - Good morning surprise from Todoroki 😚

too late..crap..wasn't satisfied.. still didn't turned out as I wanted it to be.. show it anyway.. 🙄

29 176

Day 25: Penguin Day!

So apparently today is World Penguin Day! Happy World Penguin Day from our lovely Penguin Gays💖

28 88

イラストはいずちゃん より🌷
❅꙳冒頭サンプル ▷

1 0


1 2


Shouto has heard much about the savages' mountain calls; they squall like animals with neither music nor lyrics.

He knows now: 1, those people are wrong, and 2, Katsuki's mountain call is the most beautiful thing he's ever heard.

50 114

My BKTD cat fam drawing got 100 likes, I---

0 11

People who can draw profile- view eyes are Powerful and not to be trifled with (I ain't one of 'em). Anyways here's my BKTD cat fam all colored! Bakucat's lucky he's got such a pretty kitty to raise kittens with. 😳💖 pspspspsps ~

80 285