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GOP is either a masochist or just a broken system!

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Somehow there are still a ton of the GOP that are "on the fence".

"I don't agree with the American soldier bounty policy, but I'm really itching for those millionaire tax cuts on the off chance I win the lotto!"

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GOP is completely bankrupt. Beyond giving even more money to their rich donor buddies, they’re completely out of ideas

(Cartoon from 2016)

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Take yourself and your hateful, racist, angry minions out of our White House. You don't belong there. You know it. The GOP knows it. And your family knows it. Oh, and so does the entire world.

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Oh Nikki, everyone knows you have presidential aspirations.

Problem is you hitched your wagon to Trump's plummeting star. He'll drag the GOP and every Republican down just to save himself.

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This is my new painting , ‘Harvest of Hope’, ilnviting all true followers of Jesus, to share the true message of love, compassions, mercy and forgiveness to drown out the loud GOP distortion

What do you think?

Do feel free to RT if you wish,

Love & God bless,

Andy 🙂

27 96

Killing Americans is a sick and sadistic form of winning for and gop leaders!!!
Cartoon Of The Day

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それにしてもGop Tac、想像以上に良かった。軽量で通気性が良いから動きやすくて快適。熱がこもらないからか匍匐なんかもすいすいできた。安いしスペアにもう何着か買おうかな、、、

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. How do you mentally and physically cope with being the top laughing stock, in the world and also within GOP. How long can you stand it? Seriously.

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Why have more than 100,000 corona deaths already occurred in the United States? According to writer Michael Lewis it is simple: "We are a sports team with only great players, but with a super bad coach."

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The GOP when asked about Trump's tweet on the brutalized of an elderly man ...

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