As Trump destroys the in full view of the entire world ... he emphasizes that he's above the law, cannot be stopped and he absolutely doesn't give a fuck what you think.

25 41

If I could give any single piece of my would be this

3 10

I want to know how many of the 160,000 people who died have voted for Trump!

43 110

Take yourself and your hateful, racist, angry minions out of our White House. You don't belong there. You know it. The GOP knows it. And your family knows it. Oh, and so does the entire world.

0 0

every hour of every day

racist narcissistic impeached *president who doesn’t give a shit about me, my family, you, your family or even *his family

He only gives a shit about *him

Soon it will all be behind us, a shit stain in the history books

My work:

897 3323