🌵 Coxinha, croquete, fica Juliette... 🌵🎶
Fanart que fiz da
Fazia muito tempo que queria declarar oficialmente a minha torcida a Juliette no bbb.
Espero que gostem!

1 8

Hi Tiffy, thanks for the artshare!
My name is Juliette(aka JuliettesRoses) and I am a professional multimedia designer with a passion for illustrating.

I aim to make the world a little brighter each day by spreading positivity and kindness. <3

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another three musical lads in this style! now i feel bad because i’ve drawn a trio of romeo et juliette, a trio of phantom, but krolock is all alone. oh no i guess that means i have to draw sarah and alfred

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Hi there! Thank you for the share. My name is Juliette(aka JuliettesRoses) and I am a professional multimedia designer with a passion for illustrating.

I also aim to make the world a little brighter each day by spreading positivity and kindness. <3

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In order, Juliette, Yaropi, Amanda and Layla.

Now get out of there!

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Another anniversary doodle 😌 for Juliette and Tyler this time 💛

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JULIETTE usa Pokémon PLANTA em seu ginásio, e não basta derrotá-la, antes de te entregar a INSÍGNIA DO CACTO, ela precisa ter uma conversa com você para que ambos entendam o quanto se machucaram. Os fãs dizem que ela nunca perdeu, e vão te perseguir quem disser o contrário.

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E se a Juliette fosse uma digiescolhida?
sugestão: 💛

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Hi there! My name is Juliette(aka JuliettesRoses) and I am a professional multimedia designer passionate about illustrating. I aim to make the world a little brighter each day by spreading positivity and kindness. <3

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O Brasileiro o BBB inteiro brigando

O Brasileiro unido parar tirar a Thaís

Como a Juliette / ME ENGULA / TANTO FAZ / Vai Arthur / E o Tiago / 4 Né / Como a Juliette / quem sai /

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Toujours pour , les portraits que j'ai fait pour les pnjs de J-p
Jonath, Joséphine, Lisette, Juliette

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Viih tube foi pro BBB limpar a imagem e se queimou mais ainda KKKKKK

Juliette e Arthur | inveja branca | | vitube | que festa foi essa | Viihbora

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Se solo sapessi quanto ti amo, quanto sei necessario per la mia vita, non oseresti assentarti nemmeno per un attimo. Resteresti sempre vicino a me, il tuo cuore vicino al mio cuore, la tua anima vicino alla mia anima.
Juliette Drouet a Victor Hugo

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Hi there! My name is Juliette(aka JuliettesRoses) and I am a professional multimedia designer specializing in fantasy & manga illustrations. I aim to make the world a little brighter each day by spreading positivity and kindness. <3

Patreon: https://t.co/tBq2oniFen

1 3

Thank you for the artshare! My name is Juliette(aka JuliettesRoses) and I am a professional multimedia designer specializing in illustrations. I aim to make the world a little brighter each day by spreading positivity and kindness. <3

4 8