current wips- got some homeworks hope I could finish these soon :'D

1 5

Bezier walk interior forms shaded

2 26

Three more value homeworks- two to go!

1 5

I did this today instead of my homeworks when I noticed I missed your Bday orz HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY o/ (this is an old doodle from 2017/2018 that I found and decided to color) I hope your persona didn't change too much ! I'm so sad though it was supposed to be PNG

1 5


sorry i only have old art to post until i get hold of my homeworks,, ;w;

2 15

Then I added his bear on one of my homeworks, eventually I was drawing him a lot. The last drawing I think is from the day we kind of started dating;;

14 175

鞍点関数による波形を gradation noise (fog noise) で歪ませる


0 5

circle wave の色と周期と位置をランダムに


今回は試しに,録画に ofExportImageSequence を使ってみた

2 28

sin wave の応用で circle wave にしてみる

> 円の 描き方を 覚えた!

1 3

Un grand bravo à et Tango Gameworks pour cette série qui m'a bien fait frissonner! 🕷🥶 A quand un 3ème épisode? 😁

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