sorry for not posting too much about the development progress of vs hero, but the mod is still going strong! oni recently redid hero's sprites and i think it looks pretty rad. look at that floofy hair.

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She is wondering why isn't he wearing shirt underneath😂
anw Ziris supremacy

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C'est vraiment une équipe génial mdr

Si le cringe du début de Her Summon ou l'humour noir de FFF-Class Trashero vous rebutent je ne peut que vous conseiller à la place Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World, c'est vraiment un des meilleur webtoon isekai selon moi

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I scribbled Rachel 🥸

I recently learned I have been doing Signature Force incorrectly since its release, so I’d like to ask for a moment of silence for all the Rachels which unjustly fell to the wrath of SF transcendence. 🙏🏼

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Me he encontrado con un Speedpaint antiguo y me he acordado de que nunca os he contado que Sheron, el protagonista de Pokémon Atlas, está basado en este personaje que era el protagonista de un manga que hacía allá por el 2015.

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Last opportunity to see my painting, inspired by the first routine op during the first a year ago... book tickets

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