Sean felices, igual que yo. Pues esta preciosura la hizo un regalito que le pedí para mi parabatai de toda la vida ❤️ a que le quedó hermoso.


5 9

Perdeu a mãe,matou o próprio pai na frente dos irmãos,se apaixonou pela parabatai,teve q cuidar do instituto sendo uma criança,teve q cuidar do tio louco,perdeu a infância criando os irmãos,
perdeu a irmã,coringou e depois voltou à sanidade (coloque abaixo coisas q esqueci)

14 48

Un poco tarde pero bueno ;///; Feliz cumple , gracias por ser la mejor parabatai del mundo ♥

14 46

Mi Parabatai y yo: En efecto mi estimada hay que ahorrar porque tenemos muy poco dinero como para gastarlo así sin más.

Mi Parabatai y yo 30 minutos después: Chale, cómo nos gastamos 1600 pesos en 5 minutos?

Al menos ya compramos los volúmenes de TGCF que nos faltaban, ofertón.

0 11

"Entreat me not to leave thee,
Or return from following after thee—
For whither thou goest, I will go [...]"
Parabatai Julian and Emma 🔥

153 907

Parabatai Emduo has my whole heart

6 183

The most gorgeous pair of parabatai

25 259

Smiles like Sunlight ☀️
Hi, yes, I’m still in my Parabatai feels 😅

Happy Good Friday to those who celebrate & I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend ♥️

Characters owned by

8 40

Quite the Pair 🤝
Been in my BROTP feels lately so here are our TLH Parabatai!

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9 53

Choike but in Shadowhunters AU!

Cale and Choi Han making the parabatai oath, which honestly is still one of the most precious things I've ever read and a (non-romantic) love poem that, objectively speaking, would be something Choi Han is capable of saying or thinking

4 9

i would give my soul to have Emma and Cristina as parabatai 😔

1 3



4 16

Feliz cumpleaños numero 31 a mi primer amor literario, mi rubio natural, el mejor cazador de sombras de su generación y al que le gusta bañarse con spaghetti. Un gran amigo, parabatai, novio, que tiene con un gran corazón. Jace Herondale siempre seras amado

🎨: CassandraJP

9 62

I have 2 and I definitely want more I have Lilith Aensland from Darkstalkers on my leg and a matching Parabatai rune on my shoulder. I want both my arms tatted up tho😭

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Necesito que sean parabatai.
Un Herondale y un Morgenstern siendo parabatai. Y se cierra el círculo POR FAVOR Y GRACIAS🥺😭

19 146

6. Cicero Cardinalcurrent

Dominic's adopted dad. Had a parabatai of his own who died and it sent him into an awful depression. Adopting dominic really helped him pull out of the worst of it. Adores Dom to no end and wants nothing more than to see him happy and successful

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2. Dominic Olivemoor

bitch boy. conceited selfish bitch. He was really popular/good at the academy, and developed an ego. he really doesn't want people to think he likes men but then looks like the gay best friend in every sitcom. parabatai with theron and weirdly possessive

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The Language of Flowers : Matthew Fairchild 💚
The last in this Parabatai series 😌

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