Letters undelivered
Words unspoken
And my thoughts disappear-

93 434

I thought the chain was a connection between KO and TKO, or between KO and some dark but superior power. But now I realize I was wrong. The chain is KO's unspoken disagreement with himself, like a knot. And it's the chain to lock away his negative feelings.

20 93

41 Finally the point. It seems lately we have had a FLOOD of negativity in the world. With a Flood build an ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) For my fact checkers yes they found the money ,look back at episode 37 (it was unspoken you have to watch)

1 1

there’s an unspoken theory about how I.D’s never seem to come out good. like i am YET to see an ID that looks as good as a regular picture. enjoy this lil comic i made. 🌸

12 16

The truth that goes unspoken comes forth....im a goddamn furry....heres my fursona

0 4

Finishing up some backgrounds for the today. I don't know if there's an unspoken rule where you can't gush over your own works, but if there is, screw that. I think i did gr8 on my night layouts.

3 5

The words of sunflower are: unspoken love 挫图一张,但是我真的尽力了😢下次继续进步吧

3 17

The unspoken Kings of the Swamp. Better stay on Track so they wont surprise you.

0 2

It is an unspoken rule that I need to make at least one Mourn pride thing a year.

So here is both this year and last years trans pride Mourn[s]!

24 88

it is an unspoken rule that top hats automatically make you

8 44

Each petal is unspoken and stubborn love

2 16

Pouring down endless rain, I stand alone in this world
hiding away my secret pain, Hiding away unspoken words

under this hood lay the real me, a darkness no one else can see
face brightened by an innocent smile, loneliness come just in a while


0 2

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I've even forgotten my name

311 666

Hours fly above the ruins of
walls of inhibition. Unspoken chemistry burns shadows with volcanic heat. A love ode seats in throats thirsty for more. of If become passionnists of Now. Caught in carousel of desire,we inhale air of High Sea. No regrets. No denial

12 40

Style is so interesting to me. It’s everywhere but in an unspoken agreement kind of way. For starters, fans & pros fundamentally have different tastes. Hence: an artist’s artist. Took me a while to recognize that there are subsets within both camps, all with different values. (3)

2 61