職業系列career series:牙醫師Dentist
People by: jui 陳伯睿醫師
Add by : 康緹牙醫診所(新北市三重區正義北路351號1-3樓

2 22

職業系列career series:花店老闆
Flower shop boss
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Add by: &Mach歐式花藝(台北市大安區復興南路ㄧ段340巷8號)

0 14

Decided to draw my OC and created a new OC while at it. Hopefully wont be mad that I borrowed the uniform...

20 153

Time 2o2o June ⚙️
Hello folks, this is the Pride month, so I decided to let a simple message: Love 💛♥️💜💙💚
I wish to you all a full of love in your life. Take a good care of you 🌹

1 6

Decided to have fun with one of the artsyles, drew me and my boyfriend ~ UwU

3 25

職業系列career series:Gogo dancer
People by:
Add by: .room 台北市內江街34號(the new G bar in Taipei)

13 132