Sometimes you just play with stupidest things haha. Animating new enemy!

8 23

Bunch of shit on strim, we updated mosquito grill if anyone remembers her from way back

5 33

New magical roah race temple queen thingymajiggy for newgame

9 99

the level design demanded a lever be thrown, so I the generous animator obliged

6 25

whatmelon with his twin blades🍉

21 62

Hey guys! Some test animations I made for a prototype. Hope you like it 😁

18 44

New birdy girl character for Roah uv u

51 230

Here's a great article on doing pixel art animation with Spine:

20 55

Some animations with the updated art. Thoughts on this basic idle animation.

19 70

A stretchy experiment
This one was fun making :) Can't recall having fun with rigging before!

2 10


2 1

check out the Rotten Tomato boss 👺👺👺

0 4

So Spine came out with a new update, and made my spinny tail animations look like this crazy shit *cris*

5 40

로샨애니메이션 수정했다. 애니메이션은 주변인들에게 객관적 사실과 의견을 듣는 것이 중요하다.

4 27

Curious on how are made? You can check my video process here

9 25