We are mad and frustrated, but what can we do to support HongKong?🙈🙏🏻

手足們可以麻煩幫幫手rt spread俾多啲人知🙇🏻‍♀️

258 236

We are always together💪🏻Let’s fight for our future!!

31 35

New join twitter文宣🇭🇰

54 73

From 12 June to 1 Oct, there were 4,138* tear gas used. .
*HK police force didn’t disclose figures for weekend of Sep 22, according to Bloomberg.

8 8

As a HongKonger,
THIS is what breaks my heart every time when I think about it.

12 15

10 Nov 2019 原來捉市民第一件事唔係帶委任證係要帶頭套👎👎👎

599 562

10月嘅香港版inktober活動已圓滿結束,嚟緊我地會有11月嘅活動,歡迎大家繼續參與!💕 詳情請參閱以下圖片

53 81

卡比獸:Roadblock 嘅最佳選擇🕺
Snorlax is the best choice for roadblock.

75 182

My contribution to Thank you to the volunteer medics who go out there to help people every day. You put yourselves at risk to help others. We don't deserve you.

50 98

27.07.2019 - The day Yuen Long covered with tear gas. People marched around Yuen Long, where the gangs terror attack happened week ago.

Police fired rounds of tear gas, even targeted around a elderly caring centre.

2 7