画質 高画質

Fruit & Veg - Grainger Market, Newcastle by Alan Smith Page https://t.co/tBKLIBkkCe

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芒種,天氣果真又悶又濕Today is Mang Zhong, or Grain in Ear in ancient Asia calendar. Weather's hot & humid since now. SO TRUE!

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everything is sepia and high grain texture xoxoxo

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New artwork for sale! - "Grain - Dark T-shirt" - https://t.co/cD9rJYwYAW

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Migraine feelin' like

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here's my chair! It's got lots of little emotional faces in the wood grain

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Go away migraine I have stuff to do

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ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: Oscar Llorens. Migraine Project > Fabulously surreal https://t.co/EcjKEtbjV6

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*Non-GPX>>with apologies to the images request, I took this epically grainy image of shredding Baltimore...

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Precious Grainのここがすき

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Coucou ma Béa douce ♥ beau dimanche !
Et d'ac pour un grain de folie 😘

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福岡公演のPrecious Grainでくるっとターンしてから”たった一つだけの~♪”で人差し指突き上げるのほんとカッコ良かったんすよ#imas_ml https://t.co/aNroL72X3e

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