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I'm crying because I want Zhongli so bad that I open art commissions to buy primogems
but since I'm actually on test period, I only could open bust up commission for 5 slots
the price is 20$/characters
DM if you are interested
payments via paypal
#ArtCommission #commissionsopen
juanita la hija primogenita de henry vanegas
#juanitavanegas #bolivia #francia #bookdrawsaga #bookdrawsagacharacters #adriana4ever #myart #henryvanegas #paceña
This is me, everytime I have enough primogems in Genshin Impact since I solely use QiQi as my main character. She needs another friend her size please. Please. PLEASE!
#genshinimpact #genshinimpactmeme #qiqi #klee https://t.co/qEC69PIFkQ
@rhai_iz Parabéns pelo 1500!
Opa! Meu nome é Yuuna Yami
Eu faço artes digitais pelo celular, e atualmente to tentando me aprimorar nas minha artes, saindo um pouco da zona de conforto.
Alguien más ha ahorrado dinero que antes gastaba en pendejadas gracias a la frase "parake, si igual todos nos bamoz a morir"
No, yo tampoco, nomás era duda para el primo de una amiga 😬😬😬😬
"Solo Price poteva fare una cosa del genere!". E' morto a 89 anni Sergio #Matteucci, il telecronista di "Holly e Benji": qui lo sentiamo commentare il primo tentativo documentato di portiere che partecipa anche alla costruzione dal basso (su un campo di circa 8 km di lunghezza).
Non c’è periodo migliore per giocare #P5R che questo: politici che parlano per qualsiasi cosa, elezioni americane, pandemia, crisi economica e direi anche morale. Quindi si disegna Joker con uno stile brutto, fallendo, e si piange poco dopo (il primo disegno con effetti rip)
Liked Neofeud? Check these out:
Guard Duty - Discworld with Blade Runner-style cyberpunk sprinkled in.
Technobabylon - Top-shelf cyberpunk point-and-click!
Red Strings Club - Is a life sanitized of all negative experience worth it?
Primordia - Singular art style, amazing writing.
Hoy estuve jugando con @Kukurukami
Y terminamos shippeando a Bea y Primo xD
Quiero dibujarlos con sus skin de Primo rudo y Bea mega escarabajo xD
#BrawlStars #BrawlArt
WIP on my Kitbash & Original Character for Age of Sigmar: Haset, Primordial Goddess of Hysh
#warhammer #paintingwarhammer2020 #paintingwarhammer #warhammerofficial #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #warhammerageofsigmar #ageofsigmar #luminethrealmlords #slaanesh
Trying to summon him with this fanart ToT I've spend so many primogems already to get him but he's nowhere to be seen *cry* He's so adorable I need himm
INSTAGRAM: https://t.co/9nI5qHVUU9
#Bennett #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactfanart #Bennettfanart #原神 #原神 #GenshinImpactart
not @ me drawing zhongli for gacha luck instead of grinding primogems so i can actually wish on his banner
#原神 #genshinimpact
Time for some Genshin Impact Fanart (WiP)! With 1.1 coming up on Nov 11th, can’t wait to use all my primogens for the new banners >:D
#Genshin_Impact #Fischl