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Here's an old thing I think I never shared for trexels 2.

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Been meaning to do an outfit for a while! Figured to hold it off to a month in which 99% of the clothing I wear won't just be catering uniforms!

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Traditional pencils / digital watercolour

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донёс ещё Джадзию. Челлендж почти закончен, но сегодняшний арт я дорисую завтра, самочувствие слишком скверное.

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Estoy disfrutando la segunda temporada de a saco. Esta serie va mejorando...

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Stamets helps Hugh’s training...

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⭐️DISCOVER brand new fan-designed STAR TREK: Mirror of Discovery gear fresh from the Fan Forge. Shop winners selected by & even more NEW STAR TREK designs at https://t.co/dEo1a8JUaf .
⭐️Use code DISCOVERY for 15% off all merch thru 7/5/2019!

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Traditional linework (pencil and ink) & digital watercolours.

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One of the Star Trek Beyond posters that I made awhile back that I'm kinda pleased with.👌🏾❤

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30 Day Challenge
Day 1 - Favorite character: Spock

Who’s surprised? I went with AOS Spock Prime here just because I haven’t drawn him much. has a lot of charm, sass, a complicated history and so much personality. An icon.

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Some drawings of my Star Trek OC Moira sitting around and looking cute in both her Starfleet uniform and some underwear, because I wanted to show off all her adorable freckles

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Я не помню, каких я доносил, а каких нет. На исходе челленджа лица даже с референтами получаются всрато. Но мы не сдаёмся.

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DEJ19 17: This pose ref has a pet in it, so in hommage to Sveta's wonderful baby tardigrades I had to go for Stamets and a little Rip. 😍

- only 3 days to go ... I guess I make a drawing break after that. 😅

Pose reference: https://t.co/hdOXVHNEjA

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