[작가] 오늘은 이탈리아의 화가 『루이지 루솔로(Luigi Russolo)』 가 태어난 날 입니다.
1883.04.30 - 1947.02.04
● Artist CV: https://t.co/FqV4BFlBvz

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A Midsummer Night's Dream. 1870.
Gustave Louis Christophe Doré French, 1832-1883.

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🗿 Histoire naturelle des champignons comestibles et vénéneux
Paris: C. Delagrave, 1883.

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Paul (1839-1906), Tall Trees at the Jas de Bouffan, circa 1883.

🖼️© The Courtauld

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✝ Karl Marx

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🗿 Art in shell of the ancient Americans.
Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1883.

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Theodor Reineck, Verzierte farbige Alphabete (Ornate Colored Alphabets), published by Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, Weimar, 1883.

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 화가 『피에르 오귀스트 코트 (Pierre Auguste Cot)』이 태어난 날 입니다.
1837.02.17 - 1883.08.02
● Artist CV: https://t.co/F2mu31D2Ec

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After the Hunt, William Harnett, 1883.

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“Marie Antoinette with the Dauphine,” by Otto Hierl-Deronco; 1883. https://t.co/VCv1P41qLh

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 화가. 판화가 『구스타브 도레 (Gustave Dore)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1832.01.06 - 1883.01.23
● Artist CV: https://t.co/vDP7rGxpa7

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🦉 Familiar wild birds. v.1.
London ; New York: Cassell, 1883.

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The man who revolutionised British society was born this day in 1883...

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Another festive girl in a green dress, with extra snowflakes. ‘Holly Berries’ by Ida Waugh (1883.9.67 ). ❄️

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In 1871 Harrison Weir introduced the cat show to Britian at Crystal Palace & the cat went overnight from being just a 'rat catcher' & street amimal to being a well loved member of the family. Many other shows developed, as this flyer shows from 1883.

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Indulge in a quick with this watercolor by American painter born in 1883.

"Landscape with Tree." 20th century. Charlotte Abbott Gilman Paul Bequest Fund. BMA 1959.21

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Gustave Doré.1832-1883. Jacob Wrestling with the Angel. 3 January 1855.

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 화가 『마리 로랑생 (Marie Laurencin)』이 태어난 날 입니다.
1883.10.31 - 1956.06.08
● Artist CV: https://t.co/NOEq4uCMPk

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