Thomas Rowlandson's 1798 "Comforts of Bath: The Music Master” shows a male teacher and a female pupil embracing whilst her father is asleep in the armchair with his back to them.

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Rows of brightly coloured chairs were a feature of "day rooms" in long-stay hospitals.
"5 Orange Chairs" (Acrylic on board). Now part of the collection of

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In 1871 Harrison Weir introduced the cat show to Britian at Crystal Palace & the cat went overnight from being just a 'rat catcher' & street amimal to being a well loved member of the family. Many other shows developed, as this flyer shows from 1883.

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From the late 18th century and throughout the 19th, fashion plates showed ladies and their dressmakers what fashionable society was wearing in London and Paris. Plates were relied upon to suggest the most appropriate outfits for different times of the day

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Resources and the park: the photographic collection of LSE.........

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Fantastic opportunity to work with Beatrice Parvin, writer of ‘Captain Swing and the Blacksmith’, in this free creative writing workshop (supported by the . It's on Saturday 2 Feb 2-4 pm - book online at

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The Dance, Salts School Ken Eastell's family still run the shop in he opened.

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James and Edith Dewhurst nee Goldsborough photographed at 8 Albert Road James' parents' home.

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Winter draws on! An old tram poster from our wonderful collection

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On the theme of here is a cookery book from our collection from 1963! 'Cooking the Flavel Way'

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