Died 3Jul1848 Thomas Raikes, a dandy who patronized White's and was a merchant banker and diarist. He was also nicknamed "Apollo" because "he rose in the east and set in the west." https://t.co/RubBzHoOru

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and Preacher of the 1800s - Laura Eliza Jane Seymour Bell was born in 1829, baptized on 18 October of that year, and moved with her family to Glenavy around 1835. She supposedly had an ... https://t.co/Lr8WAcmIId

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Memorial Day Observances in America in 1885 - is an American holiday in which Americans honor the dead and remember those who died while in the armed services. The holiday originated ... https://t.co/pIz8nx0j91

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What did need for outdoor painting?portable easels,an umbrella of course, paintboxes and more as seen in these details in the show small cameos of the artists.

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An Enterprising Hoax in 1891 - Everyone has probably heard about the many superstitions surrounding cats, particularly black For instance, one of the oldest and most enduring superstitions ... https://t.co/fgQbyqUDZd

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Today at 12 pm, join us for "The Holy Rus': Concept and Religious Art with Political Connotations," a public lecture on Pochayiv Monastery and Ukrainian religious art: https://t.co/zZ6NpP0yiM

In collab with and Central European Worlds.

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This is John Callcott Horsley's amazing 1850 painting, L'Allegro and Il Penseroso!!!!

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The Cowboy: An American West Icon - The word cowboy did not begin to come into wide usage until the 1870s. In the nineteenth century, George Parsons, a licensed attorney turned banker lived ... https://t.co/j8LYV6jkWy

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The Cowboy: An American West Icon - The word cowboy did not begin to come into wide usage until the 1870s. In the nineteenth century, George Parsons, a licensed attorney turned banker lived ... https://t.co/dbLeHpEspW

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and Remedies in the 1700 and 1800s - During the time of carriages, there were numerous reasons as to why accidents happened and they happened to everyone. The primary causes ... https://t.co/dsqu7m8hS2

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Elizabeth O’Neill – A Great Tragedienne - A couple of months after the guillotining of Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth O’Neill was born in Drogheda, Ireland, on 12 December 1793. She was ... https://t.co/SZFvu1G436

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The Cowboy: An American West Icon - The word cowboy did not begin to come into wide usage until the 1870s. In the nineteenth century, George Parsons, a licensed attorney turned banker lived ... https://t.co/N0sAF3M22o

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The Cowboy: An American West Icon - The word cowboy did not begin to come into wide usage until the 1870s. In the nineteenth century, George Parsons, a licensed attorney turned banker lived ... https://t.co/j8LYV61K50

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This is Frederic Edwin Church's amazing 1861 painting, Our Banner in the Sky!!!! I love this painting and wrote about it on my undergraduate dissertation on the iconography of art during the American Civil War!!!

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Three Nineteenth Century and Their Beauty Secrets - Three nineteenth century royal beauties served as the glamorous ideal for women in the These three beauties were the Empress Eugénie ... https://t.co/1B71BYEU7D

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