Day 15: BL manga that you didn't like in the beginning, but ended up liking later

Sleeping Bug, by KYOYAMA Atsuki

I didn't get the point of the story in the beginning but then it got really good after the chapter 2.

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(Day 15: A BL manga you didn’t like in the beginning but ended up liking later) Don’t Be Cruel by Yonezou Nekota. i didn’t like it when i first read it because of maya. :x he grew on me tho & the series is now a fav. maya’s also one of my top seme now. >w<

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Dia 🗓️ 15

Confesso que no primeiro capítulo, eu me arrependi de ter comprado o Dia Game da Kotora Byaku lançado pela , mas depois o enredo ficou muito interessante e gostei bastante do final.

Ainda bem que comprei!

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Day 15 of by : A BL manga you didn't like in the beginning, but ended up liking later

Niyama's "Sonna ni iu nara daite yaru" / "Pod przykrywką"

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(Day 14: A BL manga that is your guilty pleasure) Yarichin Bitch Club by Ogeretsu Tanaka. i don’t have guilty pleasures, because i have no shame, but i’d probably have the hardest time explaining this one to someone. 😆 i gotta rep best boi Yaguchi tho~ 💕🌸

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Day 14: A BL manga that is your guilty pleasure

Alpha Squadron Al-Ranger, by HIRADUKA Town


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Day 14
not a 'guilty pleasure' per se because i am not afraid of saying i like it. i will shout to the four winds how much i love this manga. i'm not afraid of saying i like things, i already got over that stage haha
everyone read the wonderful twisted MADK!!

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Day 14 of
My guilty pleasure manga is Yarichin Bitch Club by Ogeretsu Tanaka. It is a very silly manga but I love it anyway :)

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Day 5: A BL Manga that you would recommend to everyone.

No Touching At All by

This is something that I can recommend to everyone, not just BL fans.

素人さんにもお勧めできるとしたら、やっぱり王道で だよね!

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Day 14 of by :
A BL manga that is your guilty pleasure

Takanaga Hinako "Koi suru boukun" / "Zakochany Tyran"

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(Day 13: A BL manga that MUST be released in your country) Electric Delusion by Nekota Yonezou and The Warui Koto Shitai Series by Mei Sakuraga. these are two of my favoriteeee series, and I would be sooooo happy if i could get a release of them. plz~ 🥺💕🌸

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Dia 🗓️ 13
Esses eu sempre faço panfletagem e ainda peço no Cantinho de Sugestões da
Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai da Kou Yoneda e Momo to Manji da Sawa Sakura

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Day 13 of
A BL I want to be published in my country is Tonari no Metaller-san by Mamita. The story is so sweet and wholesome! Also it is a story that has a metal loving character which makes me as a metalhead so happy :)

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13. Publication would be such a troll move except the people described would never find out. (Especially if it were digital-only!)
The Scene of My Rumspringa (Azuma Kaya)

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Day 4: BL manga from 90’s you like

LOVE&CATASTROPHES by Kataru Cisco. It’s a shame she no longer publishes her manga.


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Day 12: A BL that made you cry
Rumspringa no Joukei, Azuma Kaya

This manga touched me and when I reached the end I was just crying from emotions. It's one of those which will make you suffer but it hit me pretty hard. Please read, srsly.

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Day 21: A BL that made you cry

Groping in the Dark, by akabeko

oh boy, this BL broke my heart and my soul and I loved it.

akabeko is a very good author regarding drama and making her characters (and you) suffer.

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12 - BL that made me cry

None have ever made me actually cry, but for me nothing beats the sheer depressing-ness (and horror!) of How to Kill a Heart.

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Day 11: favorite cover

I follow this account
*specifically* bc they are an endless stream of covers. I find this selection aesthetically interesting.

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Dia 🗓️ 11 - Capa de BL favorito

Certamente a capa do volume 3 do Momo to Manji da Sawa Sakura é uma obra de arte. Amo os traços, as cores e principalmente a alegria das personagens e o olhar romântico do Manji.

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