In a day like today, 6 years ago, Kazhidra was created... so I redrew this drawing of him, it's not the first but one of them. I don't draw him as an enderman anymore so it wouldn't make sense

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Making him look like a Swedish person is more and more difficult each day it passes ayñ :/

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Mixed up Krita with CSP and this came out. I still hate how stabilizer works in Krita tho :T

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I finally got how to color lineart in Sketchbook so expect more art from that one :3

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la diferencia es de unos meses apenas pero me gusta cómo se ve ahora :3 (me apuesto lo que queráis que en el móvil se ve más saturado aún y me jode el dibujo :') )

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2016 vs 2019
perdón por tanto dibujo rehecho pero me encantan xdfedgr

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