the magnitude is increased. That is, until it can no longer contain itself and it explodes outward.

Interested in purchasing this original artwork, email me at

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Even after 30 plus years creating I can still improve. It isn’t over until it is over.
Side note: the birdhouse was quiet today. Think the young ones flew! Interesting birds showed up in this. Got to love the subconscious mind.

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She had all sorts of colored tulips that I would stop and sniff. As a child, they were huge. Summertimes spend running around her garden. Oh to be young and carefree.

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I started with a ink background, overlaying this with a mono print.

PM if interested in purchasing this original artwork

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Using stuff hanging around and going with flow of it all. It is fantastic to let loose and have fun. That is what this piece is all about.

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This piece today represents my fear of snakes. I wonder the next time I encounter one if I can remain calm. Would it slither away fast? Or would it be curious about me and stick around?

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Makes no difference to the fact we are all energy. There are many things we can not see but exists all the same.

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I am naturally weird and I like it like that. This piece reminds me of something you might see on the screen at some club… in the 60’s. How groovy!

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Completely foreign with no resemblance to what is on If one was to look for life out there in the great beyond then it might help to have a

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Things seem to take on a life of their own. Created with acrylics, ink, and neocolor II. A final varnish spray added for protection.

Not for Sale

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I finished it off with acrylic markers, colored pencils, and neocolors II. A final spray was added for protection.

Not for Sale

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Probably because I am tired or maybe it is that I feel worn out. Lots going on, lots to take care of.

Not for Sale

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Amazing to grasp this fact. Even the slightest shift can total change the environment. Here this is demonstrated by a bird. It is carrying a seed that will land miles from it’s parent plant. That lonely seed will start a new colony and the cycle begins again.

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A prayed for the awakening of man. For we are truly lost.

Not for Sale

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Butterflies visiting each blossom. The gold foil trail they leave behind is evidence of their visitation. Created with acrylic and foil

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Created mostly with Bombay ink and acrylic. Gold foil accents were added for that elegant touch.

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Seeing patterns of events looking utterly random but linked together by the observer. the whole Created with ink and acrylic.

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Using Bombay ink, watercolors, and acrylic markers I brought this fella into existence.

Not for sale at this time.

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“Lush jungle life” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 12-21-2020 of the

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