“A Bouquet of Exploding Colors, Smelling So Sweet” 11x14 Inch Mixed Media on Mixed Media Paper

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“Lush jungle life” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 12-21-2020 of the

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“Beginning of new life” 11x14 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 12-16-2020 of the

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“Strong winds of change” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 12-2-2020 of the 365 day art Challenge.

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“Kobayashi Maru aka no win situation” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 11-10-2020 of the 365 day art challenge.

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“Spasm” 11x14 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 11-5-2020 of the 365 day art challenge.

follow the thread to see closeups

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“Confusion and uncertainty” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 11-3-2020 of the 365 day art challenge.

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“Tale of two gardens” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 11-2-2020 of the 365 day art challenge.

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“Accepting our nature” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 10-17-2020 of the 365 day art challenge.

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“ The warning” 9x12 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 8-28-2020 of the 365 day art challenge.

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”Running in my memories” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 6-10-2020 of the 365 day art challenge.

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“Whirlwind Romance” 6x8 inch mixed media on mixed media paper. Dated 2-12-2020. of the 365 day Art Challenge.

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