when you have the coolest design among the Protagomons but you don’t have much love from the fans

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Happy birthday to the great Chiaki J. Konaka (), the screenwriter for who also wrote the Lovecraftian-themed episode of The Call of Dagomon!


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...The mention of Dagomon in both instances is due to the fact that the series was inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos.

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popular culture reference of the week!

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
• "I'll Try to Act it Out": The PSP-esque game Cthune has in her hand is "Dagomon World: Re:Digitize".
• "High School of the Heat": A "Dagomon Adventure" poster is displayed in a shop window...

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In which Hime-chan is alive but corrupted by the darkness of Dagomon's Ocean.

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Dagomon X-Antibody look so great 😍😍😍

(Ok no, it's a quite bad joke xD)

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This became a little more than just a chill out scribble 😆 Will probably flesh him out more at somepoint 'cos I really like it and is my favourite 🧡

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So mentioned he hopes that Tri chapter 6 has the 02 kids stuck in the dark ocean, and then it hit me...

Daisuke: loves Hikari, loves noodles
Dagomon: loves Hikari, made of noodles

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Zero III in Digimon's art style - Lagomon? Requested by !

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You'll need friends to take down the toughest Dragomon, retweet to find out who will stand beside you in the beta!

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