I had to do this hahahahaha >w<“ hugs to all my friend and special to you >////<

4 14

=3=“(\ I failed the tan, ^w^/) My summer vacations came to an end, although I still have to fix some pending issues, the good thing is that I still have summer days left...
>0< Hahahahaha!

1 13

For that special woman that I love so much, it does not matter that she force me to wear pants at home =3=/)

5 9

I could not miss the version in my favorite swimsuit

1 7

I think wrt Zexion, he tends to hunch forward. Same goes for Axel: he slouches and leans forward and brings himself down to eye level. Saïx, on the other hand, stands ramrod straight and tries to look as tall and intimidating as possible. As a result, he often SEEMS taller :D

3 10

Twitter commission: "soap and bubbles = fun", Thanks for the commission Commission Open ^w^/)

3 14