Stream time! Tonight we'll finish the first book of Animorphs!

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Things didn't work out last time, but OBS issues are fixed! Everyone into the Book Nook, it's time for Animorphs!

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Okay, that passed quickly, I feel a bit better! Stream time everyone! Today we're reading Animorphs!

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I have to wonder if other Animorphs podcasts received fan art like this

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Just a hobbyist whom loves Transformers, MLP, Animorphs and a lot of old-school, animated stuffs.

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Was feeling nostalgic one night!

When I was between ages 10 and 12, I was obsessed with the Animorphs series. I don't mean "Oh, he really enjoyed reading those books, how cute!", no, I'm talking about soul consuming it's-all-he-ever-talks-about-holy-fucking-shit-make-it-stop

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rereading animorphs and I had the urge to draw this even tho its rushed LMFAO

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been reading Animorphs recently so wanted to draw up some designs, I'm only on book 4 so no spoilers plz

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It's like animorphs but in reverse

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me when im animorphing

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Pyrverse Pyro
Villan and Animorphic Princess Pyro

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My old Animorphs art

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old animorphs art

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I just received a gift from deathsball via Throne Gifts: The Invasion: A Graphic Novel (Animorphs (1). Thank you!

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The prompt I gave the robot was "Kazuma Kiriyu from yakuza animorphing into a turtle" and these were the clear winners.

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Gonna start a vtuber book club where all we read is Animorphs


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