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I have this framed on my wall and got a terminator commission from this talented person. Y’all should get a piece. The Animorphs stuff absolutely rules https://t.co/La31dru6zy
Depending if you know me from my pet era, Animorphs era or fantasy era 😊 https://t.co/aV7mHsqqAA
I think it's one of these:
But pretty sure it's tied to Animorphs in some way haha https://t.co/s2g6GYtHSk
I got a bit obssessed with thinking about Animorphs vs the Wizard books last night and had to write it all down
"Princes & Prejudice"
#animorphs art for the nostalgia-themed #theartkids2023 show! this one is way simpler but I love drawing andalites :')
Me and some friends have a daily question we ask each other for fun and today I proposed which animal we'd most want to be stuck as in a universe where we're all tobias from animorphs.
Needless to say i picked a chimp so i can have 4 hands. I can hold 4 joycons. Get g00d.
just like Animorphs! ✨🐊🐇
I drew this sequence last year as part of a new ref I was working on for Tux, but ended up scrapping the ref...couldn't not share this part, though!
@heresvix the wolf, the myth, the legend!
get animorphed fool (is it technically animorph if its just another animal...?)
If you ever been to my Transformative Art panel at cons this last decade you know I been very critical of Rowling and Harry Potter. Never cared for it growing up (especially how she represented Chinese dragons), I was more an Animorphs kid. 🐯 #TFTuesday
Animorph's The departure has me all levels of messed up man, the whole series is sad but learning about the yereks really only makes everything worse. Like she just wanted to see color 😭
starting a new cg animation tonight because im relistening to animorphs stuff again... my baby @kaaauthor
To whoever has been retweeting that animorphs podcast onto my TL, I don't remember who it was but it was one of you, thanks for the nostalgia punch now I had to reimagine a hork-bajir in their habitat before they became jeerkified. Geez 😤
Megamorphs #4 Back to Before
The Animorphs experience a timeline where they never got super powers, and somehow they do a better job defeating the Yeerks. Oops. We learn that Cassie is a time-space anomaly.
#26 The Attack
The Animorphs are forced into a war game between Space Jesus and Space Satan. They discover that Satan's warriors, the Howlers, are mentally children who think they're just playing a game as they violently murder everything in their path.
i love drawing people but with smth animal about them. im like stage 3 in the animorphs scale human to furry pipeline. this makes sense i promise you.