Here again with a new com I requested. Can't help it. But I really do love the idea of long neck taur hybrids here and wanted to experiment with my fursona Louie having his lower taur half to be a brachiosaurus. Drawn by

9 35

Não é muito mais, o pug foi praticamente sempre brachi, agora piorou mas consoante tb os criadores, há alguns que o stem assim quase

0 1

Actually,it just been assigned to Brachiosaurus sp. for now. So I can anwser it is a real Brachiosaurus. And also cannot rule out the possibility that someone will prove it is not,someday.

1 0

💀1 night I met my grandmother under the sea. She lived in a phosphorescent palace of many terraces, with gardens of strange leprous corals & grotesque brachiate efflorescences. She had changed—as those who take to the water change—& told me she had never died🎨Bernard Chan💀#HPL

2 15

Have brachiosaurus waterslide... or would it be better to say salivaslide~? :3

8 29

Baby Brachiosaurus
Commission by a friend.
Hope you like this bit of wholesomeness.

4 14

Made this before the official images were out. Looks like early renders had the entire head white, but in typical fashion they dialed down the paint. I like how we don’t even talk about them not having nail paint at this point.

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Anatomy of Brachial plexus (English ver.)

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This poster features prehistoric amphibians, ranging from the tiny to the behemoth that roamed the earth's swamps and wetlands millions of years ago.

Design by Caroline Flee of Soft Biology

5 22

Esta es la linea evolutiva que le hice a Gizamon, pasando por Cyclomon, luego Brachimon y culminando en Aegisdramon

5 9

hammer users are very passionate about their smashsicles.

Check out my redbubble store with all the designs, user LaserLluis

40 223

🚨Giveaway by iPhone-X-10🚨

1 Winner - Wins all three of the following:
Brachiosaurus Skeleton 🦖
Plesiosaur Skeleton 🦖
Velociraptor Skeleton 🦖

All you have to do is below:
Follow 💚
Re-tweet 👈
Add me on iPhone-X-10 😇
Comment your Habbo Username! 😎

97 51

Un Squelette de Brachiosaure à gagner pour toi et l'ami(e) de ton choix sur !

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Good Luck ! :)

31 14

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that provides movement & feeling to the shoulder, arm&hand

Upper Brachial Plexus Injury(Erb’s Palsy)
Lower Brachial Plexus Injury(Klumpke’s Palsy)

The ‘M’ shape of brachial plexus, formed by the ulnar, median & musculocutaneous nerves

46 166

I like this BRACHIAL PLEXUS illustration as it demonstrates the nerves in relation to all surrounding bony, vascular, and muscular anatomy. CREDIT: Picturing Medicine

244 1108

Axillary artery is the main arterial supply of the upper limb &provides key landmarks for understanding the position of other important structures in the region particularly brachial plexus.
There're many reports of thrombosis& aneurysms of AA & its branches in overhead

90 370

revisited the balance series and needed to give brachium a little love 🖤

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