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MY BROTHER IS A WEREWOLF When 11 year old Brie turns her younger brother into a werewolf, it causes the biggest mistake of her life. Determined to fix things and repair her family, how far will she go to fix her brother and her family?

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Growing up, in bookstores I always saw a plethora of Eurofuturism fantasy books written by WNPOE authors stacked on shelves.

My goal is to have the same thing for my people. It’s time to make some room.

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Damien's fanart

Look ma. I made my first ̷s̷h̷i̷t̷ post. Are you proud of me? 😂

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"you'd be the one i was meant to find." 🔥💖✨

asmo and trent but make it the pose from "rewrite the stars" but with WINGS

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this ones for u you are the memey backbone of bvm

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When Lark discovers that she is expected to be an early riser. She decides that getting up with the birds isn’t for her. It’s time to quit her day job. IT’S TOO EARLY BIRD follows Lark’s hilarious search for someoneto take her under their professional wing.

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When Kels finds a vampire at her window, asking her to be his bride, she wonders if she should stop her rollerblading dreams. But this vampire is mad on wheels of his own, and with wings abound he’s ready to take her to a higher place.

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MY BROTHER IS A WEREWOLF When 11 year old Brie turns her younger brother into a werewolf, it causes the biggest mistake of her life. Determined to fix things and repair her family, how far will she go to fix her brother and her family?

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All Kels wants to do is skate. When a sudden move slams her into the park of a skateboarding vampire in need of a wife in order to come of age, Kels isn't sure which way to spin her wheels.

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After Zorra disappears to live with Unicorns for 5 years, her return is marked by feuding families, star-crossed love, and warring magical creatures. Your classic Romeo and Juliet story set in Black utopia.

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Removed from her neighborhood rink, Kels must find a way to keep her life spinning. When she meets a skateboarding vampire at her window, asking her to be his radical bride, her life turns in an unexpected but dreamy direction!

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SHEEP SNORE explores -What happens when the reason you can’t sleep is because of the sheep?

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Ten year old Alfie has Sickle-cell Anaemia - he transforms into a Sickle-cell Warrior to defeat his disease that manifests in his mind into an evil villain known as Haemo S.

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Tru(e) Me: Gender Unbound - The coming of gender story that has not yet been told! Tru, a 7yo nonbinary kid shares their journey towards living a gender unbound life. Laugh, cry & be inspired to live your Tru(e) Self.

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Lux is a little star who goes to Star School to figure out what kind of star he wants to be, but Shooting-Star, Constellation & Sight-Seeing classes are hard! But hearing a boy's wish on earth helps him figure out what kind of star he wants to be!

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It’s beautiful!

In the course of my PhD I completed two large cross stitches: one last supper, one BVM (which still seem to be on sale given a quick search!).

There was also a period when I read Anna Karenina and War & Peace back to back.

The words will get written.

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Four views of - St. Patrick's Purgatory at Lough Derg, 1654 (Hollar, BM); A satire on Purgatory (1650s Hollar, Met Museum); Machuca, 'The BVM and the souls in Purgatory', 1517 (Prado); Carracci , 'An angel frees souls from Purgatory' c. 1610 (Vatican)

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