Iteration 093 - Forgotten Warrior. Part of a series that features frozen, transcendental blips of my life.

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random art i did lately,

two closed species adopts for loftars and kitblips on instagram, some sellie art for someone on discord and a sollem design for a cs event :]

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the godly noodle siblings! Blipster, Snipster, and Tipster respectively

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time for the once again! join me in the gesture drawing exercises, afterwards... this boird? 📡🛰️🌎

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Hey ! Here's my entry for the featuring an anime implosion !

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blip redesign !!! (and old blip and a meanie)
also old blips design for reference
me, my bf , and his friend 's old game character. the redesign is pretty final but its still technically still wip

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I can only draw doodles, in short blips of time, as it stands. But, here're some napkin scribbles of a futuristic friendo!!

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Some nice little art blips

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Tini writes Betsy as a fantastic and capable leader but I feel like the other members don't get as many opportunities to shine, each having little blips every now and then, I enjoy the stuff with Jubilee and Shogo, but I have to say my biggest gripe is the overaching story.

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day 19! This is a Goblip. They can create a flatulence bubble that both helps keep them afloat and attract small fish. Any predators that attempt to attack Goblips risk popping the bubble and getting a face-melting stench on them 🤢

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Enjoyed presenting Adventuron at the Picotachi event yesterday.

I demo'd Spooky Adventure which seemed to go down well w/ beeps and blips and

teletext graphics. Steve is a legend.

Maybe I should Kickstart Spooky Adventure 2 with many more graphics / puzzles?

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14 days remaining in the It's not too late to join in.

Build a text-lite 8-bit style text adventure game that you can play on your PC or on your phone. Text only, but with lots of fun beeps and blips.

Template code provided.

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With Magical Islands reworking old concepts like Floot Fly and Yuggler, and adding them into the actual game, I would love to see one of Gheegur’s concepts or Blipsqueak’s concept, even of it’s kind of unlikely.

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For more on Mad Scienstein, including some oddly inappropriate official canon, be sure to check our the newest episode of the Memory Card podcast - Square on the Blips.

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I made a clown robot character.

I call her Blipsy.

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