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ginger bread man is pretty darn good

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著者:Deadly Bread
この作品はクリエイティブコモンズ 表示-継承3.0ライセンスの下に提供されています。

196 1913

Ohapan!! It is your daily fluffy bread!!! 🥖✨

2 38

Second gingerbread house made together💙

152 1491

UNBREAD TWINS & Emoji Kitchenのパン雪だるま🍞⛄️

50 357

*hqart membuat gingerbread😮 siapa yg mau jd relawan? nanti tobio kasih tester nya😬😁☝🏻

106 819

[Day 176 - Oopsie cookie]
Oh no! Seungyoon just bit a live gingerbread man! 😭 Does anyone the gingerbread man from Shrek series? Poor guy almost lost his both legs and now his left hand is gone! 😭

7 13

bread studies 🍞🥖🥐🥯

51 178

bc the breadsticks come from sanji preparing lunch sandwiches without crusts.

22 492

I saw that scene with the breadsticks a while back and made a small comic out of it bc I thought the idea of luffy and zoro being the human garbage disposals of the ship was funny

321 3116

"Everything I do until the moment I die... represents what Cora achieved!"

next up is Law!! 💉💉💉 our resident bread hater..

409 3152

※Only AU (Sona) authors are allowed to use the images

Bee : Enchanted AU

meetBF(Bastien Fein) : Fancy Side

Bailey Finn : Death Circus AU

Beclux Firststar

15 55

Good morning! I wanna eat bread!

15 154

"Do you remember how many breads have you eaten in your life?"

59 264

koishi with bread

1759 10138

Thank you for your comment.
I knew that fried bread was a popular ingredient in that country, but I had no idea it was in rice balls.
I was surprised at first, but it had a new texture and was delicious!

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