画質 高画質


タイトル: SCP-4052 - サンドイッチ (曖昧さ回避)
原語版タイトル: SCP-4052 - Sandwich (disambiguation)
訳者: C-Dives
原語版作者: Deadly Bread
ソース: https://t.co/CRqx5Aj5Vv
原語版ソース: https://t.co/9UZrLaKMhV
作成年: 2020
原語版作成年: 2019
ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0

86 866

In my mind, I saw a table full of various bread and rice recipes and delicious-looking dishes.
And I also like bread with a simple fried egg on top. (I ate it today too)🍞🍳

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Thanks for hanging out with the (mute) bread today! We managed to finish the sketch today. Hopefully I'll be able to talk soon on stream, otsupan! 🥖✨

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OK, my completely honest review of Beans on Toast after tossing it in the airfryer: the texture is WAY better than just the beans straight of out the can and untoasted bread LOL The flavor? unfixable even with airfryer-sama. Still very sweet and sour. 1.5/10!

Good night!!!

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commission for Bread

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Jjk! Nanami and his lovely bread 🍞🥖🥐

61 406

bread •⩊•()さんのOCとポケモンのダンデを描かせて頂きました!リクエスト有難うございます✨

6 13

WINE and BREAD(LHD)の通販・購入はフロマージュブックス |

23 67

His body produces some changes in skin color, size and scars over time. During 5.0 and 6.0, his head is slightly darker than his body color because of the armor he wears, and by 7.0, he's sun-ripened bread.

425 1933

Kill vampires. Behead vampires. Roundhouse kick a vampire into the concrete. Blow vampire heads with magnums. Suplex vampires. Feed vampires with garlic bread. Throw vampires into lava. Blow vampires up with rocket launchers. https://t.co/T6Wfw4W9u0

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Bread is better than the songs of birds!🌸🐏🍡
🌸🌸🌸spring is coming🌸🌸🌸

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Thank you and bringing spring to my home~

The boxes full of pinks snacks and many variation sakura; shortbread cookies, crackers, biscuits, mochi, and many more. I got new cute plate "Neko Sakura Dish" too, will treasure them 🌸🩷

46 436

Hello ! I am open for a rush EMERGENCY commission for $100 illustration shown sample below.

I really need fund for Bread's vet !

I'm really worried rn on his situation right now... he suddenly vomitted alot.. This started earlier ;;

RT is really appreciated 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️

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Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me (Luke 22:19)

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Bread (and egg) artwork that I still really love throughout the years… thank u for supporting my obsession for breads 🥹🍞🥖🥨🍳 (and egg)

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