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Gm ❤️
"your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness."
- Charles Bukowski
#nft #minaphilos #NFTCommunity #NFTartist #nftart
Το μόνο πράγμα που είδα στους περισσότερους ανθρώπους και σε τεράστιο βαθμό είναι η πίκρα.
Είναι απαίσιο πράγμα το πως όλοι γίνονται πικρόχολοι. Είναι θλιβερό, τόσο άθλια θλιβερό.
Charles Bukowski
Καλλιτέχνης: Mathieu Laca
341日目 8/23 Calvin Bukowski
342日目 8/24 Bon Pants
343日目 8/25 Paul Penn
344日目 8/26 Ivan Petroteva
It's official. DEAR TED has proven irrevocably that @KimVodicka does what Bukowski wanted so desperately to do, but she does it soooooo much better.
337日目 8/19 Dolan Tokov
338日目 8/20 Todd Tater
339日目 8/21 Bill Cook
340日目 8/22 Konrad Bukowski
“Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.” Happy Birthday, CHARLES BUKOWSKI #Charlesbukowski #bukowski #charlesbukowskiquotes #pencilsketch #sketchbookart #keithhenrybrown🎨 #iamtheleopard #andreabrownlit #pagestreetbooks #pagestreetkids #authorsketch
gn other side lovers 🖤
..when He created you lying in bed
He knew what He was doing
He was drunk and He was high
and He created the mountains and the sea and fire at the same time
Charles Bukowski
#art by Egon Schiele
Bir odanın kapısını kapatıp yalnız kalmak, her zaman hayatımın en güzel şeylerinden biri olmuştur.
Charles Bukowski
"If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it's your duty to be reduced to ashes by it. Any other form of existence will be yet another dull book in the library of life."
~ Charles Bukowski
Bazen kendine gelmen için, başkalarından gitmen gerekir ...
"Uzaklaşmak, özgürlüktür."
γεννημένοι έτσι
με νοσοκομεία που είναι τόσο ακριβά που είναι φθηνότερο να πεθάνεις
με δικηγόρους που χρεώνουν τόσο ακριβά που είναι φθηνότερο να δηλώσεις ένοχος
σε μια χώρα όπου οι φυλακές είναι γεμάτες και τα τρελοκομεία κλειστά
Charles Bukowski
Καλλιτέχνης: Jérôme Oudot Trëz
Raramente arrivi al traguardo, ma durante il tragitto hai modo di trovare la vita interessante.
Charles Bukowski
Illustrazione di Marco Smith
If it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it.
#Art Aerroscape
He acabado de leer Factotum, de bukowski, y he descubierto oro.
Ahora cuál me leo?
Metro 2033 o Fundación?
Itsuki #4093 bought for 0.03 ETH (32.93 USD) by AnnBukowski from 0xe5a00e #WeAreItsuki #GreenChipNFT https://t.co/PLbDdT17Qw
Dentro ad un abbraccio
puoi fare di tutto.
Sorridere e piangere.
Rinascere e morire
oppure fermati a tremarci
Come fosse l'ultimo.
Charles Bukowski
#SalaLettura @SalaLettura @RetwittL @lagatta4739 @DavLucia @POKI33847251 @ciroizzo3
#17luglio 🌹
She-Hulk character “Buck Bukowski” from the Savage She-Hulk run will be in the series! Though, this depiction of Bukowski is named “Dennis Bukowski.”
Bukowski is known for being very competitive with Jennifer in the Savage She-Hulk.