Day 136

Did you know Batman has over 127 martial arts styl s mastered?

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Day 135

Did you know after absorbing the minds of other gorilla's, gorilla Grood claims his telepathy is strong then Martian Manhunters?

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Day 133
Did you know the first human green lantern wasn't Hal Jordan or Allan Scott?

It was a monk named Jong Li from ancient China in the year 660 AD

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Day 130
Did you know because of red skulls history many supervillains refuse to work with any sort of Nazi or nazi philosophy (good!)
The only few that do work with him include
-Baron Zemo
-Baron Strucker

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Did you know today is birthday?

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Day 127
Did you know out of all the team members, Captain America has been the leader of the Avengers for the longest time

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Day 124
Did you know Harley Quinn calls the Joker "Puddin" because he gave her a cup of it when they first met in the asylum?

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Day 122
Did you know S.H.A.Z.A.M. although tries to avoid physical contact will always stand up for what's right no matter the personal risk or cost.
Billy idolizes Superman and despite their many clashes, tries to follow the man of steels heroic example

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Day 121
Did you know (Steve) has so much respect for that Thor has stated that Rogers is one of the few humans he would take orders from and follow "Through the gates of Hades"

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Day 119

Did you know the Hulk can breath underwater? (Me either)
He has been seen on the ocean floor a number of times.
His body developed a gland that creates oxygenation perfluorocarbon emulsion
Which fills his lungs to equalize pressure

Where's my Hulk fans?

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Day 115

Did you know, when Jason Todd was transferred to a Gotham prison the suicide rate sky rocketed

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Day 114
Did you know Black Cat was imbued with the ability to cause bad luck by scientists working for the kingpin

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Day 113

Did you know Bucky has a code word implanted into him?
If anyone says it he falls unconscious.

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Day 108

Did you know Red Hood has the most powerful handgun ever made?

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Day 103
Did you know no one likes to play twister with Dick Grayson?
Odd but true fact.

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Day 18
In Doctor Strange have you ever noticed things just seem odd with a lot of the colors and shapes.
It is reported that the creators of Doctor Strange would actually take psychedelics before drawing to see what adventures he would get up to.
It explains the colors too

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