
I spotted you in these images, though I'm sure that you'll deny that it's you.

Want to prove me wrong? Wonderful. Go for it.

Life on Earth – present and future

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Check out 'A Monkey's Guide to Deforestation' by Sayra Begum - a terrifying tale of ecological devastation & money over morals in the Seen through the eyes of a resident Uakari monkey… Read the full comic:

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After What Next?

Join us to reflect upon the the decisions of COP26, and the future of Climate Activism.

Fri21 - Sun23 Jan, or just Sat 22 Jan

Cost: Free
For those aged 18-40.

More info

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Democracy and Activism' is the final part of our 'Climate Futures: Youth Perspectives' podcast series, recorded in the lead up to exploring the role of democracy and opportunities for activism in response to the climate crisis

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Patrick Blower on - political cartoon gallery in London

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Money or the planet, money or the planet - such a tough decision...

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COP26 関連のニュースで地球温暖化によってシベリアの永久凍土が溶け出して……って言ってたのを聞いて頭を過ぎったのは、「永久凍土って聖闘士星矢だと南極・北極みたいな氷で描かれてたけど、実際は土なんだよなー」でした。


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Last month, the was +4.03°C warmer than the average.

We're in a There is no time to wait. No more false promises. Time to raise ambition and

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