My cartoon from 11/17/21.

At the close of the COP26, Greta Thunberg dismissed the UN climate deal by tweeting: "The is over. Here’s a brief summary: Blah, blah, blah." That pretty much sums it up.

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[THREAD BD] Climat, GIEC, COP26, en très très résumé ! Je posterai aussi sur mon blog avec les sources qui vont bien :)

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Are you an African reporter at or were you unable to go?

Thanks in part to Covid-19, exorbitant visa fees and the restrictive way the world is built, coverage of Africa by Africans seems limited.

We want to hear from you. Message us through

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After What Next?

Join us to reflect upon the the decisions of COP26, and the future of Climate Activism.

Fri21 - Sun23 Jan, or just Sat 22 Jan

Cost: Free
For those aged 18-40.

More info

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Democracy and Activism' is the final part of our 'Climate Futures: Youth Perspectives' podcast series, recorded in the lead up to exploring the role of democracy and opportunities for activism in response to the climate crisis

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📺 [UNE SEMAINE DANS LE MONDE] , président de Cartooning for Peace, est ce soir à 19h10 dans pour présenter des dessins sur la en France, l'état d'urgence en & l'élection en ✏ Swen (Suisse) & (France)

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Lofty words at the COP26, but will it change anything? Today’s cartoon by . Visit our collection for more cartoons about the COP26:

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Inspired by this week's theme is climate change.

We chose Fiery Landscape by Colin Saxton at as Earth’s temperature has risen by 0.08°c per decade since 1880 🔥

© the artist's estate. Photo credit: Loughborough University

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If your children are tuned to there are some brilliant books that could inspire them even more! We've put together a list of great titles to try:

Pic: Zoe Persico

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📺 [A WEEK IN THE WORLD] Cartooning for Peace is tonight at 7:10pm in to present cartoons on the tensions between China and USA, the summit, the the and the return of (France) & Alaa Satir (Sudan)

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📺 [UNE SEMAINE DANS LE MONDE] Cartooning for Peace est ce soir à 19h10 dans pour présenter des dessins sur le sommet de l'#ASEAN, la le coup d'Etat au et la restitution des oeuvres par la France au & (France)

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Do you know a young person interested in the topic of climate change? Would they like to write about it? 🖊️

As part of our content for we're sharing blogs about the climate crisis written by young people for young people

Find out more ⬇️

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Ahead of here's a glimpse of how Boris "Details Guy" stays on top of hard-nosed policy. [for ].

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Guildhall and will be lit up in orange to mark the week of action. Join us at The Guildhall 6.45pm Monday 18th October & walk to the museum to show support for all refugees, and, particularly in the run-up to

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