What's Zothan the Lizard-Rider up to?

KAYA is in stores DEC 7th!
Read a free preview here: https://t.co/eTmKGeME9b
and let your comic shop know you want it on your pull-list. Order Code OCT220164.

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Raid on the Forth will be back in stock for and available at the event in the Community Gallery of on 26th November.

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It's always on Zestworld!

You can read COSHOHO and DOSE! for free RIGHT NOW: https://t.co/aDHn5jY7Ys

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We don't have anything hitting the shelves today, but we have epic news:
is bringing you a remastered version of 's Silence, a tale chock full of pirate radio, myth, & punk rock.
Look for the GIANT-SIZED 1st issue in late spring 2023!

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Chilling, disturbing, brutal victorian horror graphic novel.
A full throttle action packed trip into a world of heroes, demons & psychopaths💀
Order your copy of Chapter 1
here 👉https://t.co/Sb9NmVu4jD👈

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