Congrats to the 0.2% of Brits who got to decide who's in charge of sorting out this disaster. Everyone else – sit back and enjoy the ride I guess...

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Not a choice the will have to face - but a lot of her people will...

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When goes wrong, market forces march in without mercy.

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Morten Morland on the Tory response to the - political cartoon gallery in London

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Chris Riddell on the Tory response to the - political cartoon gallery in London

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Rumours of a third 'Escape' movie...
'Escape from Poo Island' will focus on Snake's attempts to rescue a starving family who burn the sewage from their local beach to try and keep warm.

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Steven Camley on - political cartoon gallery in London

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Chris Riddell on - political cartoon gallery in London

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Morten Morland on - political cartoon gallery in London

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