The only fish known to spout toxic drivel - polluting politics since Dickensian times -
‘Victori-anus Carpio
(Uncommon Carp)’

1 2

Is this shit show over yet? Which clown is taking over from Bozo Johnson? Who is going to continue his work in making us an international laughing stock? Who is going to put this country deeper in the garbage bin?

6 19

Rumours of a third 'Escape' movie...
'Escape from Poo Island' will focus on Snake's attempts to rescue a starving family who burn the sewage from their local beach to try and keep warm.

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I drew this picture some time last year about filling our water with shit to stop the French fishing in it - how prescient...

2 14

The frontrunner for the leadership of the and, unfortunately, the UK

7 12

Sewage is due to overflow?

No it has been the driest July and August since before WW2.

Especially in the South where pollution is the worst.

They dump because it is cheaper.

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