What are ?
CryptoHippos are 10,000 unique and randomly generated NFT characters that act as your membership to an exclusive club, The Watering Hole. Each NFT has participation in a communal business governed in a decentralized manner.

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CryptoHippos live in the Watering Hole, a communal resource doubling as a decentralized business venture.#hippoarmy

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CryptoHippos live in the Watering Hole, a communal resource doubling as a decentralized business venture.#hippoarmy

1 3

CryptoHippos live in the Watering Hole, a communal resource doubling as a decentralized business venture.#hippoarmy

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CryptoHippos live in the Watering Hole, a communal resource doubling as a decentralized business venture.#hippoarmy

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