eVeN tHe mOst suPportiVe of oDd fRenS gReW tIred oF wAiting fOr fLapjAck to oPen uP hiS fArm, bUt thEy hUng on tiGht aS tHats wHat mAkes TheM trULy oDd

73 270

Dum de de dum da dum dum dum. Yeah not much of a drum roll on Twitter 😂 but MUCH OF AN AWESOME PIECE OF 🎨
A request from discord

They stated "love cooking"
Personalized NFTs by Request only. WoW oDd

5 7

Amazing what A.I. can come up with! ❤️❤️❤️
Here is another requested your A.I. brother.
likes paddle board and tabletop gaming. I see it.
We shrunk or blew a part the pet hehehe. I will mint and airdrop it in a wek or so

3 5

Hi let’s be friend💚

I’m currently finding more vtuber friends to follow on here and on twitch so drop your links below if you’d like a follow! Also trying to get to 50 followers myself 🧩

Many headpets for you

48 262

ThE dEcisIon wAs hArd fOr soMe anD thEy wanTed sOlutiOns. ThEy wantEd to fEeL aliVe agaiN…tHey uSed to Be sUch an aNimatEd bUncH of oDds

101 298

oDd…but I like it. Meet Nairb and Weedus! Let’s tingle, fREn. ✨🤪🫠

2 6

tOm aNd tEemO kNew tHat sEndinG tHe pEts aWay wAs ineVitabLe bUt wEre sTiLl saD to sEe tHem gO.

At LeaSt pEople wouLd bE hAppieR aNd wOuld OpEn tHe dOors to A bRiGhter aNd mOre LiveLy fUturE! 👀

91 253

tHrouGh take hiGhs aNd LowS sTay pOsiTivE aNd sTay oDd

99 281

I must suggest ! The team is making some wonderfully-storied art and the community is oDd fOr sURe, but we are very welcoming! 🤗🤪🫠 Would love to have you!

4 15

tOm vIsitEd fArm aNd feLL in LovE! A truLy caRinG mEmbeR of tHe cOmMunity tHat hAd a hOme fOr aLL oDd pEts!

nOw to gEt tHem TheRe

99 236

I love my Odd Frens and their pets 💜

Lovely community also! Started their own discord and it has now been blessed by

Come say hi!


13 38

“JeEz hUrRy Up! wEn wiLL tHis sToRy eNd! itS tAkiNg foRevEr..itS beEn LikE a wHoLe wEek aLreadY!”

wE dO tHingS tHe oDd wAy cOs wHy tHe heLL nOt 🔥🤘

83 230

that fp, wtf????

31 118

Join us for the Community Twitter Space tomorrow morning at 9am EST/6am PST!

Anyone and everyone is welcome! Bonus oDd points for bringing coffee and snacks like these guys! 🤪🤝🌞 See you all tomorrow morning!


1 4

Adopt 5 Odd Pets, they can be messy, mischievous, noisy but above all they are cuter than TGIF.


0 4

GM frens.

why buy an ?

2 reasons.

1- it is fun
2- we can all relate to these odds. there is an odd fren for you. I promise.

you are accepted and loved, no matter how odd you think you are.

59 162

Tom hAd nEver beEn to thE cAstle beFore. So hE swAlloWed hiS nErves and wAlked aCrosS tHe sHark inFested dRaw briDge

He kNew he hAd tO gEt soMeonE of pOwer To hElp cOnvincE tHe otHers.

151 378

tHeY wEreNt LisTeniNg tO tOm tHough. He wAs tOo nEw aNd diDNt fuLLy tRust hIm aFter hE wAs tHe oNe tHat lEad thEm tO tHe fActoRy iN tHe fIrSt pLaCe.

IN tHat mOmenT a LiGhtbUlb weNt oFf aNd tOm hAd aN iDea…💡

133 395