"Dragons in the Clouds" is a superbly written and richly descriptive novella with brilliantly drawn characters. The threads of storytelling are expertly woven in this mythical fantasy that will guarantee your attention. https://t.co/13PtVgzLcc

9 7

"Dragons in the Clouds" is a superbly written and richly descriptive novella with brilliantly drawn characters. The threads of storytelling are expertly woven in this mythical fantasy that will guarantee your attention. https://t.co/13PtVghBY4

15 10

"Dragons in the Clouds" is a superbly written and richly descriptive novella with brilliantly drawn characters. The threads of storytelling are expertly woven in this mythical fantasy that will guarantee your attention. https://t.co/13PtVgzLcc

18 10

Jules Jacquemart, History of the Ceramic Art: A Descriptive and Philosophical Study of the Pottery of All Ages and All Nations: Italy: Renaissance- Majolica of Urbino- Hunting Bottle with Historic..., 1877 https://t.co/mVqFfethRJ

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"Dragons in the Clouds" is a superbly written and richly descriptive novella with brilliantly drawn characters. The threads of storytelling are expertly woven in this mythical fantasy that will guarantee your attention. https://t.co/13PtVgzLcc

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🥕 Wm. C. Beckert's descriptive and illustrated seed catalogue: .
Allegheny, Pa.: Wm. C. Beckert,[1892].

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Something interesting about realism vs fantasy is how much more stylisation the former allows over the latest. when painting or writing fantasy you need to be clear and descriptive. while with realism you are allowed to break the form so so much. ofcourse its not a simple binary

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Also, totally forgot to post this.

Apparently a book-descriptive image of Voldemort.

Artist is unknown.

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The title is very descriptive, don't you think?
'Restless Ocean' by Oil on canvas 24x30”🌊

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Art 1 studying Expressive and Descriptive lines.

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Here's an ensemble of the player-characters from a campaign I ran in 2016 that I drew for the players. Each player was so expressive and descriptive in their portrayals that it was easy to visualize their characters.

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Do you want a more traditional Elven surname or something more akin to a title/descriptive one? Both could work in this case, especially with the fiery dragon theme.

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FInished fanart for

Descriptive text: my friend but as a small rotund fox with no legs, an eyepatch and bird talon hands

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Jules Jacquemart, History of the Ceramic Art: A Descriptive and Philosophical Study of the Pottery of All Ages and All Nations: China: Green Family- Vase, "Lancelle" Form, Historic Subject (Plate I), 1877 https://t.co/LmMNBXs5xA

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At this point in the manga, Vearn bluntly tells Leona that he’ll make her his own. Perhaps this was seen as too suggestive (or possibly just too vague) to serve as a cliffhanger, so the anime changes it to be a bit more descriptive.

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shitty streaming schedule art but it's descriptive and that's what matters

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Knowing that is thoughly understood by OpenAI Dalle. I had her be the subject of various simple OpenAI generated art to better prototype descriptive words in prompts

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Such incredibly detailed artwork with not only character design but also backgrounds, architecture, highly descriptive creatures, their enormity frightening as a result. Action choreography instantly stands out, more engagingly immersive in all its bloody glory.

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❝I'm going to end the menace of the Hulk once and for all!❞

● Thaddeus E. Ross | Red Hulk
● Earth 616
● Descriptive | Literate

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