Eye meme. 👁

I'm going to post some old works since I can't seem to come up with new art.

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✨ Eye meme challenge from Instagram! It was a lot of fun!!!

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ehhhhhh something something something something

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A lil somethin I did for the on instagram! I'm late as usual but I still wanted to do it since I was planning on tweaking my eye style anyway!

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Oops I never posted this when it was trending…..oof 🙃🤌👏

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Yeahhh its from that 1 brush 1 layer 6-7 mins time taken
I just couldn't sleep \˚ㄥ˚\

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The infamous Eyememe

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turns out staring at my eye for long periods of time while fishing out some misbehaving eyelash paid off

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Вау, я успела в какой-то челлендж? Может даже тег поставила правильно??

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