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Facsimiles of 'Fasciculus Medicinae', a 15thc collection of medical texts with some of the earliest known anatomical woodcuts, including depictions of pregnancy #InternationalDayoftheMidwife #IDM2021
More nostalgia... I've never liked sci fi but I always liked sci-fi's pet themes. This was a universe where a plant exists that can clone facsimiles of humans which are basically robots, but sometimes the cloning process can go wrong and they develop human thought
I've been experimenting with RetroArch filters, and I'd heard a lot of good things about CRT-Royale. I don't have a real CRT to compare it to, but it certainly seems to be a decent facsimile, including a hint of phosphor bloom! #RETROGAMING
March, 1906, #EdithHolden (British, 1871-1920), who died #otd (Mar 15). Source, 1977 facsimile edition of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, https://t.co/XrSu3i29yP #EdithBlackwellHolden #hernaturalhistory #womenartists #artherstory
'The Mad Mulrannies' / Harry Clarke.
Illustration to J. M. Synge’s 'The Playboy of the Western World'.
Pen and ink on Bristol board.
Reproduced in Crampton Walker’s 'Irish Life and Landscape' (1927) with facsimile of Harry's autograph.
after spending a couple years drawing in a client's art style, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this acquired power beyond occasionally drawing obscure Sonic characters in a vague facsimile of the style.
My days off pinched my creative brain corners. I do have some experience with book related fine art, since that’s a part what I studied. I want to create a little book about a coven that works similar to photography and facsimile but illustrated. 👀
Spooky advent day 22: A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being A Ghost Story For Christmas by Charles Dickens. This is a facsimile of the first edition, published by Arcturus in 2011.
Russell Maret, Æthelwold Etc: Twenty-Six Letters Inspired by Other Letters and Non-Letters and Little Bits of Poetry, facsimile edition published by Editions Schlechter, New York, 2013 (orig. 2009).
@PIEGUYRULZ Yeah. It's established that he only has one mouth and one set of eyes. Any other mouths or eyes he "creates" are either approxomate fleshy facsimiles, or just "Grucho Glasses". But I'm just splitting hairs here. I don't even know to what level AT is in this game. Is it DLC?
@Octipii I’m mainly saying, above all else, that THIS is Link to me, accept no facsimiles.
I love the specific archetype of “soft-spoken, duty-bound, facsimiles of humans, with deep oceans of rage in their hearts”
Day 2 of our #Fallout themed set, we have a Lumberjack Yao Guai facsimile Art per usualy by @BlueKite6 IF you want your own Fallout OC's in game, you would get this symbol, rather than the OC.
Funnily enough (and as I thought no less), the scythe he makes via Vassago is legit a facsimile of the Scythe of Belial!
(A facsimile doodle )
“Leo...You mad ...”
Even been beaten,he is cool. —q—
"Yes, you can 'see' Arceus. But, what you are seeing is a facsimile; a pitiful approximation of Their Infinite Being. It is the best our mortal eyes can manage."