The Mines of Arazzator are located behind the City of Arazzator, carved out of the Arrae Mountains. The city served as the capital of the colony of Bennoth Ikk and its mines where among the most important of the island.

4 20

Long ago the Towers of Annaaru, Mother of Light and Life, were built by her followers. Some towers are still in pristine condition, well maintained and seemingly untouched by time. Others not so much.

1 11

A generic cave entrance splitting up into various directions. What could be lurking in these caverns?

3 22

Last day of voting for your favorite of our 3 finalists on the Discord server. The theme was skylands. Head over to the server to vote!

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Scattered throughout the Aganaan Desert are dozens of pyramids and ziggurats. The people of Tarnen often repurpose them as temples to their gods, but no one known who built them originally. Or what their purpose was.

2 17

Gaul Falith is no pretty castle, nor is it grand like that of the Burbric kings. Instead it is sturdy, made to stand the test of time.

3 15

In the foothills of the Gynardan Mountains lies the small village of Dargan. Its community consist mostly of woodcutters and miners who work in the mines in the Gynard Canyon to the south.

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When King Staar II called on all the Lords of the Swamps to gather their men and fight in the War of the Vale the Swamps were left mostly undefended. Bandits thrived and the region became more and more Lawless.

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It is unavoidable. Every trip through the mountain eventually leads to one. It's mandatory that some falls off. And they're never built properly.

3 12

After a long trek you finally see it: an oasis. The water will be fresh, and the shade more than welcome. But wait... You see tents in the distance. Someone else got to the oasis before you.

0 9

The Town of Zetrent is located between de cities and Darlon-is-Met and Hotlon-is-Met along the King's Road and the river met. This makes it a well travelled and prosperous town.

1 9

The roads get slippy when it rains; make sure you don't fall.

3 35

Map of Prismari Campus 🔥- '#Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos'.
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8 34

Deep in the mountains of the Ballaeran Range is the is a temple dedicated to strange gods. The road to the temple is rough and long. Just before reaching the temple a great structure comes into sight.

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The Village of Mannhal is built on the remains of a military outpost, a remnant of a conflict between the two clans of Garvann and Thalla.

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