239. "Well, as you know, I interviewed many veterans from the Asmens-Lanun wars for my epopee.

Some of them were Ofidio's war prisoners and... six of them commented the same thing about him: he has a... What was the word they used? Ah, I remember now: kinks".

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235. "You are right, your Highness" Helen intervenes. "All the kidnappers wish for your death, so you are a very tempting target, yes. But you are forgetting one thing: If Ofidio is so smart, he won't be fooled easily. So we will need a stratagem to distance him from his troops".

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230. "About that... any plans in mind?"

"One thing is for sure: Ofidio is the biggest menace here" Beatrice adduces. "I knew him during the peace talks: he is the leader of the lanunian party against unification and he lives anchored in the past. We can't argue with him...".

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224. The bard explains to her the dialogue between Tamadun and Ofidio and all what happened after that.

"I see... Well, let's go to Rebecca's room and draw up a strategy to defeat the assailants with the others".

"Yeah!" Helen agrees.

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194. Carefully, Helen arrives at the armory without raising the alarm and without coming up against any of the Ofidio's men. Indeed, Alonso is there, providing weapons to himself... and hiding three enemie's corpses in order that Ofidio's troops don't discover them, in the dark.

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191. Helen now knows what happened with the wedding.

It's, indeed, a complicated situation. Mostly because of the hostages and because Tamadun's brother, Ofidio, looks like a fanatic.

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190. Ofidio kicks Tamadun on the stomach, with the last one's body writhing in pain.

"Tamadun!" says Alan trying to help his son-in-law despite his handcuffs.

"I don't want to hear you again until I kill your wife, Tamadun!" Ofidio says, enraged.

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189. "Brother, you are a monster!"

"No. I want to avenge our father" Ofidio explains furiously. "Maybe do you forget that Alan's army killed him in Moonhill?!"

"But just because he personally attacked Asmens in an unfair and avaricious raid...!"

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186. Ofidio slaps his big brother's face.

"If you don't recover your sanity after I kill her... Well, I will be King of Lanun instead of you... and I will recover our ancient slavery tradition with enormous pleasure.
In any case, Lanun recovers its greatness again".

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185. "Just shut up!" Ofidio yells, upsetted. "This witch has enchanted you and you are not rational anymore! I will kill her personally when my men find her to try to free you".

"Brother, Beatrice didn't jinx me: she just showed me another reality and taught me..."

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184. "Big brother..." the man with black armor says. "How can you betray your homeland and its traditions just for a woman?".

"Ofidio!" Tamadun shouts. "This is pure madness! I not betray Lanun: I want to improve it! Slavery is wrong: humans are not possesions! And Beatrice..."

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N sei se ainda da pra mandar mas espero que sim
Amo tua arte aaaa 👉👈
(Ultima arte créditos; @/KingOfIdiocity)

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Gorka and Maggrot, ogres and leaders: the mayor of Perfidious!New Regencyr and the chief of a cannibal clan, respectively.

Bluering and Frogdart, the current and the former hero. The original after a makeover… and the Perfidious counterpart.

10 28

Just Frogdart and Maggrot, for my Perfidious AU.


11 35

Been seeing lots of cool AU for Villainous and this is one of them I like called Perfidious AU. I love the style of this White hat and of works are awesome! 😊💖

19 157

🦋 Perfidious pearly smiles 🦋

4D and 6A, suggested by

6 44

🦋 As perfidious as he is, this White Hat loves his doctor! 🦋

8I, suggested by

4 26

🦄 She’s perfidious, but also a flustered Clemencia! 🦄

8H, suggested by

6 30

💉 “…” – Dr. Slug 💉

For those curious, this is the Dr. Slug of my AU, Perfidious. I’m not sure what emotion that face conveys, but you should run just in case! 😂

3G, suggested by

7 27