Announcing me and dr.slouch's project for gbjam, Voyage du petit Nuage!

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today i got the main mechanic working. i'll set a goal to finish content tomorrow.

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!!! 17 minutes into already!! The Beaky enemy in my entry is inspired by Chozo + Arachnus!

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Adding chickens. Everything seems to be working fine.

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Update: Take Block Make Block

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Update: Tactical Espionage Action

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Calling it a night! Made a *lot* of progress tonight. Junglin' for coins!

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joules' ground combo. hopefully this is the longest anim in the game and i can take a break

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and my game's bug viewing room. You can check on all your little critters here!

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Man, 3D-ing for 4-colors is pretty hard, all the mesh colors are much lighter than I thought!
(No hair yet)

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Good luck to everyone taking part in the this weekend!

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shaders in action. Using 160x144 rez, no aa, 4 colour, with screen overlay LCD pixels.

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Woohoo got some sweet gameboy LCD screen shaders working. =) would be proud:

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Can't take part in this year but here are some of the things I drew last year.

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Celebrating this year's I uploaded last year's Gygan's Descent to ! Go play it!

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Oh man. Old projects haunting me again. Check out 'Hike' my abandoned mountaineering game

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